Date: Fri, 19 Aug 94 04:30:10 PDT From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #934 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Fri, 19 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 934 Today's Topics: ADVICE on NEW HF rig wanted Building a J-Pole Antenna clip art for QSL card CWIST Reminder --- Mini-Post Version Ham Radio & More Handicap Hams How to Use An Auto Patch (2 msgs) KA-PK Gold Need 9600 baud mod info for IC271/471 Ragchewing conversational protocol Repeater Directory On-Line Station List Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Aug 1994 23:53:02 GMT From:!! Subject: ADVICE on NEW HF rig wanted To: Hi, I have been out of the HF rig buying scene for about 10 years, since I have never had any reason to update my ageing FT301D. However in view of the VAST differences between UK and US pricing, I think it`s time to make the change. Does anyone have any recommendations/reviews on the more popular HF rigs, I particularly like the look of the TS-50, primarily as I like to do HF mobile work. A friend also said the Ts850 or 450 were 'good'. Since I am not a code operator some of the bells and whistles may not be applicable. I realise that this is a vast subject but am primarily I guess looking for personal experiences, reliablity is also a prime concern as I will be taking it back to the UK soon. Thanks Robin ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 1994 19:11:49 GMT From:!!!!!!!!! Subject: Building a J-Pole Antenna To: I'm sorry if this has been requested before. I went looking for a better anternna for my HT and someone suggested I just build a j-pole for home use. I don't really know where to look for instructions. If someone has instructions/parts list I would really appreciate a copy. Paul ----- Paul Antaki Prodigy Technologies Corporation Phone: (604) 687-4636 1100-1190 Hornby Street Fax: (604) 687-1671 Vancouver, B.C. e-mail: V6Z 2K5 ------------------------------ Date: 18 Aug 1994 19:53:55 GMT From:!!agate!!!!! Subject: clip art for QSL card To: In article <>, wrote: >Just for the sake of starting a flame session, [deleted] >Flame on. I'm like beyond bother at this point. Ooh. What you said, it makes me so mad. Ooh. Ooh. Flame. Flame. Flame. This has been a flame. -- Mike Cummings NX7E "When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, ummmmm, boy." - Jack Handey, a new spin on Pascal's Wager ------------------------------ Date: 18 Aug 1994 18:33:37 GMT From:!!!!!!eff!!concert!!! Subject: CWIST Reminder --- Mini-Post Version To: OK, folks, here is the weekly mini-posting reminder for the CWISTS..... Note that all hands meet on the appointed 40 meter QRG at midnight >>>>> YOUR QTH <<<<< local time. That will maximize the available folks across +- 3 time zones of anyone's QTH at YOUR midnight hour. Others can come and go earlier or later as may suit their habits. The alternate QRG if the 40 meter one of 7102R5 khz fails is is 3702R5 khz. (How can 40 meters fail us....?). We are working on a EurAsian QRG for the rest of the world. More to follow at a later time when the EurAsian ops get back with me. 73 TU SU SK DE NA4G Bob ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ QST QST QST CQ CQ CQ DE NA4G NA4G NA4G BT 1815330UTC AUG 94 FM NA4G TO ALL CW OPS WORLDWIDE BT CWIST FRIDAY NIGHT FIST FUNCTION. ALL HANDS QSW/QSX 3702.5/7102.5KHZ MIDNIGHT YOUR LOCAL TIME FRIDAY NIGHT. GET ON THE AIR AND ENJOY A PLAIN CW EVENING ON THE 40/80 METER BANDS. USE A REAL HAND KEY (A STRAIGHT SENDING IRON OR BUG IS ENCOURAGED). A VERY SIMPLE VERY INFORMAL NET STYLE FORMAT WILL BE UTILIZED. WHEN THE CONTROL STATION INVITES CHECKINS, CALL CWIST DE YOURCALL K. YOU WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED AND PLACED IN LINE FOR YOUR COMMENTS. IF NO NET CONTROL IS ABOARD THEN SIMPLY START THE CALL YOURSELF. ENJOY OLD-TIME AMATEUR RADIO AND TRY SOME FRIENDLY BRASS POUNDING. EXCHANGE MORE THAN RST QTH NAME HELLO AND GOODBYE. HELP ALONG THE NEW HAMS ON CW TO GET THEIR SPEED UP. TELL A FAIR YARN OR TWO AMONG FELLOW CWISTS AND RAGCHEW A LITTLE WHILE. TELL SOME HISTORY ABOUT THE OLD-TIME DAYS AND YOUR EXPERIENCES IN RADIO. IF YOU ARE AN OLD TIMER PLEASE JOIN IN AND SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES. IF YOU WERE EVER A PROFESSIONAL PLEASE JOIN IN AND SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES. OLD SPARKERS WHO HAVE PLIED THE HIGH SEAS ARE ESPECIALLY WELCOME. OLD CHOPS FROM ALL QTA/QTH ARE ESPECIALLY WELCOME. NEW FOLKS AND THE YOUNG SQUIRTS ON THE BLOCK ARE ESPECIALLY WELCOME. USE BOATANCHOR GEAR IF YOU HAVE IT AVAILABLE OR WHATEVER YOU HAVE. SEE YOU THERE OM/YL. 73 TU SU DE NA4G BOB AR ************************************************************************** * May you have fair winds and following seas on your watch at the key. * ************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 14:20:59 From:!!agate!!!!!!! Subject: Ham Radio & More To: >Len, > Any chance you could post a list of the stations carrying the show? >John I posted it earlier today again. Hope you saw it. If not, e'mail me & I'll send you one. 73, Len, KB7LPW ------------------------------ Date: 19 Aug 94 10:35:30 GMT From: Subject: Handicap Hams To: Do you know a Ham or a want-to-be Ham that has a handi-cap? Well, I do. He is also a member of ARRL and his handi-cap is that he is blind. I know that he has possably held a QSO with a large bunch of brother and sister Hams all over the U.S. and the world. Well, that isn't the problem........ As a Blind Ham being an ARRL member he doesn't receive QST like the rest of us who has been blessed with sight. With the fall ARRL board meeting approaching, I would like all ARRL members to write, call or talk to your SM's and Directors to make QST available in an electronic format that they can either down load or receive by S-Mail for their enjoyment. I know that I have enjoyed reading the articles contained in QST and I know that the Vision Impared Hams would like to enjoy those articles as well. This electronic format must be made to where it can be read by a text reader so it can voice out the words so that they can read QST with their ears. Join the call and contact the ARRL/Directors to start such a mediam and maybe the other Amateur Radio related publications will follow the ARRL's lead. Thats all for now. 73 Tim Wright KD4OVM PS: Hi Tom WD4RWU ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 1994 19:16:12 GMT From:!!!!!!!!! Subject: How to Use An Auto Patch To: Since I'm new to radio and don't really know any fellow amateurs I turn to the net for assistance: I've noticed that a few local repeaters have autopatches that are open (or at least not marked closed). Is there a standard means of accessing them? Does anyone have suggestions? Thanks, Paul ----- Paul Antaki Prodigy Technologies Corporation Phone: (604) 687-4636 1100-1190 Hornby Street Fax: (604) 687-1671 Vancouver, B.C. e-mail: V6Z 2K5 ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 1994 19:47:41 GMT From: hplextra!!! Subject: How to Use An Auto Patch To: Paul Antaki ( wrote: : Since I'm new to radio and don't really know any fellow amateurs I turn : to the net for assistance: : I've noticed that a few local repeaters have autopatches that are open : (or at least not marked closed). Is there a standard means of accessing : them? Does anyone have suggestions? Just because the repeater is open, doesn't mean the autopatch is. It's only fair to talk to the repeater custodians before even trying to acess the "autopatch". Repeaters cost a lot to put up and maintain and it's only right to help with that cost when using it on a daily or weekly basis. We operate 3 open repeaters, 2 of which have phonepatches. The phone patchs are for members only. This is the way are sure of having the funds to repair/replace the equipment. We have many members that never use the autopatch but still pay their 20 bucks a year to make sure they stay there. Talk to other users on the air or just ask if there is a "custodian" or membership person availble. I'm sure some will be glad to help. 73, John, N0KIC, Membership, PPFMA Colorado Springs Co. ------------------------------ Date: 18 Aug 1994 19:35:10 GMT From:!!agate!!!!fugu! Subject: KA-PK Gold To: In article, (Richard Berndt) writes: -->Has anyone received a notice of upgrades on PKGOLD or KAGOLD. -->It seems that there has been many since Version 9 date 3-15-94 -->and REGISTERED users are **NOT** notified like other commercial -->software. -->It seems that they now have more upgrades than AEA eproms. Its -->seems We the users must keep updated ourself by AT&T. At nearly -->$100.00 per-model version we could get notified. My mailbox is -->always full of upgrade notices from other les costly software -->companys. -->.. -->73 -->Richard N7VWJ -->.. -->AMPRnet -->E-MAIL -->Packet N7VWJ@N7DUO.#WWA.WA.USA.NA I agree. It is great software and generally good support but their non-notification of versions (usually fixing a problem) is not published. There is no excuse since they are on the internet and Compuserve. It would certainly be handy to ftp the new version from some site or have it available on Compuserve. --- ------------------------------------------------------------ Bob Levine KD1GG 7J1AIS VK2GYN formerly KA1JFP <--Internet email Phone(508) 256-1300 x247 <--Packet Mail FAX(508) 256-3599 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Aug 94 13:33:11 PDT From:!!agate!!!!!!chnews! Subject: Need 9600 baud mod info for IC271/471 To: Im looking for 9600 baud modification info for the ICOM 271 & 471. Thanks & 73s, Tom WB7ASR... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 19:17:25 GMT From:!!!!!!!eff!!!witch!ted! Subject: Ragchewing conversational protocol To: In article , Freeman A. Kilpatrick ( writes: >Hi All! > >I just got my license a few weeks ago, and I noticed a >conversational oddity that I hadn't expected. The simplex >nature of conversation is kind of difficult to get used to. >When ragchewing, you *have* to say something when the other >person unkeys their mike. This is in contrast to normal >conversation, where a person will usually continue to talk >if a response is not elicited. Sometimes the person I'm >talking to will stop talking, and I won't have anything to >say. I feel like I can't just sit there, so I have to come >up with some banal comment or something. > >Obviously, this phenomena is less of a problem when there >is an actual purpose to the QSO (like a contest or something). >I'm curious to learn if anyone else has this problem, or are >most people simply too talkative anyway? I'm currently taking >a linguistics course, and we will be studying 'conversation >analysis' in a few weeks. I'll report back if I find any >theoretical foundation for this type of conversation anomaly. > A simple solution to this is to keep asking questions. If the other guy says he just finished feeding the chickens, ask him why he keeps chickens, how many, is it easy, does he have a problem with predators, etc. It's an easy technique and you learn all kinds of interesting stuff. Mike, KK6GM ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 1994 18:44:41 GMT From:!!!!!!!!! Subject: Repeater Directory On-Line To: >You say that there is a copy on line someplace on the INTERNET? >Where is it located. I've looked and I am unable to find it. >I'm sure I am not the only Ham looking...... As far as I know, the only directory of its sort is at -- Medical Image Processing Group | 73 de Conway Yee, N2JWQ 411 Blockley Hall | EMAIL : 423 Guardian Drive | TELEPHONE : 1 (215) 662-6780 Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021 (USA) | FAX : 1 (215) 898-9145 ------------------------------ Date: 18 Aug 1994 21:34:51 GMT From:!agate!!!!!! Subject: Station List To: Ham Radio & More Station List: The following list can change often.... Alabama: WHRT, 860am, Hartselle WAJF, 1490am, Decateur Arizona: KFNN, 1510am, Phoenix Colorado: KBCO, 1190am, Denver/Boulder Conneticut: WATR, 1320am, Hartford Illinois: WKTA, 1330am, Chicago WBGZ, 1570am, Alton Indiana: WIWO, 1580am, So. Bend (tape delay) WPDJ, 1300am, Huntington/Ft. Wayne Massach: WSSH, 1510am, Boston (50,000 watts) WKPE, 1170am, Orleans Missouri: WBGZ, 1570am, St. Louis Mississippi:WVMI, 570am, Biloxi N. Carolina:WEEB, 990am, Fayetteville WCRY, 1460am, Raleigh/Durham WNCT, 1070am, Greenville Nebraska: KICS, 1550am, Lincoln New Jersey: WIFI, 1460am, Trenton/Philadelphia Oklahoma: KTMC, 1400am, Mcalester Texas: KSEY, 94.3fm, Seymour Ham Radio & More is on the Talk America Network. It is aired live every Sunday at 6:00pm EST, originating from Phoenix, Arizona. It can be heard via TVRO satellite on Spacenet 3, Transponder 9, 6.8 audio. Our toll free listener call-in line is 1-800-298-TALK. The originating station number is 1-602-241-1510 for more information. Any radio station can air the show FREE OF CHARGE. 73, Len, KB7LPW ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #934 ******************************